موافقت کردن

~ kardan


1 general:: agree, accept


2 Law:: vi /قبول‌كردن، پذيرفتن، توافق كردن، هم‌عقيده‌بودن، هم‌رأي‌شدن/ agree : (vt) 1. a : to concur in (as an opinion) : admit, concede (agrees that he is righta (I agree with youo b : to consent to as a course of action (agreed to sell him the housea 2. chiefly British : to settle on by common consent : arrange (I agreed rental terms with him — Eric BennettI (vi) 1. to accept or concede something (as the views or wishes of another) (agree to a plana 2. a : to achieve or be in harmony (as of opinion, feeling, or purpose) (we agree in our taste in musicw b : to get along together c : to come to terms (agree on a fair division of profitsa ● concur : a : approve (concur in a statementc (do you concur with his statementd b : to express agreement (concur with an opinionc (she has expressed her opposition to the plan and I fully concur (with her) (in this maters ● be of the same mind/opinion ● see eye to eye ● assent : to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration : concur ● approve : 1. to have or express a favorable opinion of (couldn't approve such conductc 2. a : to accept as satisfactory (hopes she will approve the date of the meetingh b : to give formal or official sanction to : ratify (Congress approved the proposed budgetC (vi) : 1. to have or express a favorable opinion of (couldn't approve such conductc (her father will never approve of her marriage to youh 2. a : to accept as satisfactory (hopes she will approve the date of the meetingh b : to give formal or official sanction to : ratify (Congress approved the proposed budgetC (vi) : to take a favorable view (doesn't approve of fightingd ● consent : : to give assent or approval : agree (consent to being testedc ● grant : to consent to carry out for a person : allow fulfillment of (grant a requestg ● approbate : approve, sanction – با تمديد مهلت موافقت كردن grant respite Synonyms : assent, consent, accede, acquiesce, agree, subscribe mean to concur with what has been proposed. Assent implies an act involving the understanding or judgment and applies to propositions or opinions (voters assented to the proposalv. Consent involves the will or feelings and indicates compliance with what is requested or desired (consented to their daughter's goingc. Accede implies a yielding, often under pressure, of assent or consent (officials acceded to the prisoners' demandso. Acquiesce implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition (acquiesced to his boss's wishesa. Agree sometimes implies previous difference of opinion or attempts at persuasion (finally agreed to come alongf. Subscribe implies not only consent or assent but hearty approval and active support (subscribes wholeheartedly to the ideas. Related or analogous words : approve a : to accept as satisfactory (hopes she will approve the date of the meetingh b : to give formal or official sanction to : Ratify (Congress approved the proposed budgetd (vi) : to take a favorable view (doesn't approve of fightingd

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